Bank Card Upload

Advataxes can be set to handle 3 different types of bank cards

Corporate Credit Cards

Populate the Advataxes account of all employees of your organization with all their monthly credit card transactions. Afterwards, employees will have to attach a digital file of their receipts with each transaction.

A corporate credit card statement is not a valid document for tax purposes so an invoice has to be attached to each transaction. That is why Advataxes is built with tools to facilitate the attachment of a digital image to each transaction. For instance, employees can take a picture of their invoice and attach each one to each transaction with our App. Our corporate credit card interface includes easy to use sales tax functionalities so your organization can claim GST/HST & QST as per your organization’s profile (see our GST/HST & QST Parameter page)

Bank Upload

Procurement Cards

If your organisation handles procurement cards, talk to us to find out how Advataxes can handle these kinds of expenditures and efficiently manage recoverable GST/HST and QST.

Bank Upload

Individual Credit Card

Employees who incur business expenses on their own credit card may use our tool to speed up the process of filling out their expense report. This tool consists of a direct link to their bank, in order to allow for an upload of their business transactions. We are using Plaid which has established a direct link with more than 100 financial institutions across North America, so your employees can access their business transactions from their financial institutions efficiently. Afterward, employees can attach a digital receipt to each expense, notably using our App.